Thursday, January 27, 2011

Best Quotes From The Shark..

Quotes yang saya sukai dari film seri Shark (2006-2008):

"I live by three simple rules; my "cutthroat manifesto." These rules guide every single decision I make on every single case. Rule No. 1: Trial is war. Second place is death. Rule No. 2: Truth is relative. Pick one that works. Rule No. 3: In a jury trial, there are only twelve opinions that matter, and, Ms. Troy, yours most decidedly is not one of them. Now, from this day forward, every case will be David versus Goliath, and guess who's holding the slingshot? "

"Sebastian Stark: For this to work, you must accept that winning is the only thing that matters.
Young Lawyer: What about justice?
Sebastian Stark: Hey, your job is to win. Justice is God's problem."

"In jury trials, you don't get a second chance."

"You know, all my life all I wanted to be was the best lawyer in the world. But when you lose that drive, that consuming ambition, you're done. "

"Trial is war, and war tends to get ugly."

"Trials are won before you ever step foot in the courtroom. "

sumber: Shark (2006),